DTS can handle international relocation by land, sea and air. We understand that every move is a different and unique situation, and we treat it as such.
Flexibility, Dependability and a Global Reach
DTS has been in the international relocation business for 25 years, and our team has over 100 years of combined experience. As a result, we know how to get the job done right.
The fact that we choose only the best agents from all over the world ensures that you can depend on DTS for any move. We have full service international origin destination services for your customers and will maintain your identity throughout the entire move.
We can also offer exceptional flexibility, fast turn around and accurate quotes. As independent forwarders, we are not locked into any particular van line system or affiliates. In turn, we can offer you a great degree of flexibility.
Trust and Reputation
Few, if any, attributes are more important in any business than that of trust. You can trust DTS to uphold the highest of standards. We will provide you will reporting and follow up on all shipments throughout delivery and door-to-door full replacement value insurance is also available through Willis Relocation Risk Group.
We Maintain Your Identity
You can also trust that we will not pursue your accounts in any way, shape or form. Again, reputation is everything, and reputation is built on trust. Your clients will remain your clients. That means we will maintain your identity throughout every phase of the move.
DTS’s Clientele is 100% Referral Based
It is important to note that our clientele is 100% referral based. Further, we do not advertise. These two facts, when viewed together, clearly indicate the seriousness with which we take each and every move.
Put our 25 years in business and 100 years of experience to work for you.